The Audiologist
‘The Audiologist’ is a podcast series created by Phonak to offer hearing care professionals and people interested in audiology new perspectives on hearing health topics. Sennheiser has generously provided the high-performance headphones that power the exceptional audio quality of this podcast.

Monday May 17, 2021
“Assessment is my favorite type of appointment.”
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Guidelines for severe and profound hearing loss
What is the role of audiological assessment in the management of clients with severe and profound hearing loss? For Laura Turton, a clinical audiologist and editor of the recently published guidelines for best practice in audiological management of severe and profound hearing loss, the audiological assessment is a key element of the first appointment and beyond. In this episode of our podcast series hosted by Bernadette Fulton, audiology manager for severe to profound hearing loss at Phonak HQ in Switzerland, Laura underlines the importance of treatment plans, elaborates on what such a plan could look like and talks about a patient who could impressively improve her outcome based on a revised treatment plan.

Monday May 17, 2021
Is that deaf with a capital D?
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Guidelines for severe and profound hearing loss
In this episode of our podcast series based on the new guidelines for best practice in the audiological management of severe and profound hearing loss, we are looking into the nature of severe to profound hearing loss with guest speaker Laura Turton, a clinical audiologist and editor of the guidelines. She talks about the causes of this degree of hearing loss as well as what severe and profound hearing loss means for those affected. Laura also discusses the importance of a person-centered approach of audiological management for this target group and elaborates on her definition of a deaf identity in her conversation with Bernadette Fulton, audiology manager for severe to profound hearing loss at Phonak HQ in Switzerland.

Monday May 17, 2021
Laura Turton - New Guidelines needed?
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Guidelines for severe and profound hearing loss
In the first episode of our podcast series on severe to profound hearing loss, Bernadette Fulton, audiology manager for severe to profound hearing loss at Phonak HQ in Switzerland, talks to Laura Turton, a clinical audiologist from the UK, who was the editor of the recently published guidelines for best practice in the audiological management of severe and profound hearing loss. In discussion with Bernadette, Laura emphasizes the importance of the new guidelines, how they can be implemented in clinical practice and how they could contribute to better audiological care of people affected by severe and profound hearing loss.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
We are no marriage counselors!
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
An expert talk with Kris English and Christine Jones
In this episode of our podcast series on Family-Centered Care (FCC), Kris English, Professor Emeritus at the University of Akron, Ohio, USA, tackles difficult conversations and the emotional aspects of Family-Centered Care in audiological practice. How can difficult conversations be turned into therapeutic conversations? In discussion with Dr. Christine Jones, VP Audiology at Phonak US, Kris shares her personal FCC experience with her own family and gives practical tips on how to start involving family members and dealing with challenging communication situations.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Why Family-Centered Care is not a time waster
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
An expert talk with Joe Montano and Christine Jones
What’s the key benefit of Family-Centered Care (FCC) in audiological practice? For Joe Montano, Professor of Audiology at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA, it is clearly the ability to really understand communication issues within a family. He emphasizes that hearing loss not only affects the person with hearing loss but also every significant others. Listen to Joe share his clinical insights and views on FCC with Dr. Christine Jones, VP Audiology at Phonak US.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
No need for mixed feelings about Family-Centered Care
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
An expert talk with Louise Hickson and Christine Jones
In the first episode of our podcast on audiology, Dr. Christine Jones, VP Audiology at Phonak US, talks to Louise Hickson, Professor of Audiology at University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and chair of the Phonak Family-Centered Care expert circle. Having researched the role of the family in hearing healthcare for many years, Louise knows: the involvement and support of families is critical for the successful management of hearing loss.

The Audiologist - A Phonak podcast
As one of the leading hearing aid manufacturers, we regularly collaborate with top audiology experts from around the world. We launched this podcast to share their inspiring views and insights from the industry and the latest on research and learning. You will learn from the very best in their respective fields.
So, join us and our guest speakers for a fascinating journey reflecting on the past, present and future of audiology.